Ever since the dawn of scootering people have tried to use the motorscooter up to its limit as means of transportation to far away places. They told their experiences, difficulties and success in books and magazine articles.
I will try to give you an impression of what these brave men and women did in the good old days as an example of their skills and determination.

Most of the following excerpts are taken from the websites of worldmotorcycleexpert: Bernd Tesch.
See his excellent websites at: www.berndtesch.de and www.tukutuku.de

kees & mieke
Pierre Delliere who returned from Vietnam to Paris in 1953 welcomes Kees Portanje

Ca. 1950
Dussel, Wim (Dutch)
+ Around-The-World. The Dutch journalist Wim rode for Maico with a Maico-Scooter (150 ccm-MAICO-Zweitaktmotor. 6.5 PS. 8,5 liter fuel-tank). Wim drove another time Around-The-World with a DAF-car.
: De wereld is nog altijd rond. Wimn wrote 18 books.
08.1997 First info von Martin Schaal.
2000: Wim is 81 years.

Ca. 1950 - 1960
Gilbert Gilles (French)
Gilbert was working at the Terrot Motorcycle Dealership of Oran in Algeria. He tested a new 4-stroke scooter by riding from Oran to Gao which he did in 36 days. He lost 12.2 kg. His second wish to ride back via Tamanrasset to Oran did not happen
B.T.: In the Guinessbook of records it is mentioned that this was this first crossing of the Sahaha by scooter: 27 years before Paris-Dakar

1950 - 60
Ribolini, Emilio (Italian)
Nord Europa Tour. Der Student Emilio Ribolini aus Brugherio (Milano) legte auf seinem Capri-Roller in 53 Tagen (August-September) 14.825 km zurück. Die Fahrt führte ihn durch 12 Länder.
Er verbrauchte 373 Liter. Das entspricht 2,5 l/100 km. Der Capri-Roller ist aus der Produktion der Firma agrati. Moticello (Como) Italien. Das Reise-Jahr konnte nicht genau ermittelt werden. Vermutlich zwischen 1950-60.
Route: Italien - Schweiz - Deutschland - Denemark - Schweden - Norwegen - Finnland - Schweden - Denemark - Deutschland - Niederlande - Belgien - England - Frankreich -

16 April 1951 - 27 November
Guy Camba  de PARIS au TIBET  23.000 kms sur mon scooter

Guy travels from Paris to Tibet together with his friends Yves Ponzi(I), Pierre Palmieri (37) and Michel Leclerc(22). The 4 ride on Lambretta's 125cc model D.

1451 km through France, visit the pope in Rome and then take the boat to Piraes Greece.  1295 km to Turky.  from Istambul to Syria: 2184 km. Another 729km to Libanon (17 July) Bagdad 1582 km  a lot of desert. Then Iran: 3452 km.   Pakistan another 1900 km  Into India approx. 4600 km.

On 1 September they reach Thibet. Then they continue via India Delhi - Bombay and take a boat to Ceylon where they drive another 350 km.

What a journey: 23.000 km in 7 months with 4 small scooters!   Read the book, it is in french.  Publ:  Editions Le Sycomor in Paris

Clerc, Michel le
Michel rode with three friends on a Lambretta to Tibet.
10.07.02 1st request to Andree Bois

13.07.1951 - 31.10.1951
Zidaric, Aldo (Italian)
Europe and Africa.
He rode solo with a scooter Lambretta (?) 25.626 kms.
Route: Italy - Norwegian - Sahara
1999 1st information by Frontal

29.05 1952
Dr.Mostyn Lewis  takes his 1951 Douglas-Vespa 125cc for a 2000 miles ride from centre England to his daughter who is a student in Geneva. He travels via Hook of Holland, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Spa, Luxemburg, Basel  via the Col Mont-Cenis to reach her.  He drives back via Schaffhausen, Strasbourg, Trier. Bastogne, and Dunkirk back home.

A wonderful trip on one of the first Vespa's made in England. Apart from a new carburator no problems at all  (article in Scootering Magazine. Febr.2008)  

Fernand Gigon, a Swiss journalist from Geneve decides to visit the Olympic Games in Helsinki all the way on a brand new Vespa motorscooter!

Via Fribourg - Karlsruhe he makes 450km on the first day. Next day he takes the Autobahn to Heidelberg. He gets his first motorproblem on the way to Frankfurt. He has absolutely no knowledge about the technical aspects of the scooter. By miracle it works again. The dealer in Frankfort checks the engine ( just a sparkplug  problem) and that day he reaches Kassel: 380km.  Next day: rain  Continue to Hannover - Hamburg - Lubeck, then takes the ferry to Gedser (DK) It is getting awful cold. In a lot of wind he reaches Kopenhagen.

Another motorproblem, caused by himself: no petrol. Up to Helsingborg from where he takes the ferry to Sweden.  Here he has to drive on the LEFT side!

It gets very cold and rain again. It is 15 July, the road gets very bad ,  but he arrives in Stockholm.

Next day up to the border to take the ferry to Turku (FIN), then another 170km to reach Helsinki. Finally he arrives at his goal: without serous problems: 2300km!

Also during his stay in Helsinki he drove 1200km without problems. He enjoys his stay at the Olympics.

On the back trip he takes a somewhat easier way: a boat to Antwerpen. From here he makes his way back home to Geneve. Total: 5515km: alone!!

Kees Portanje contacted the widow: Monique Gigon in 1995. She lent him the negatives of his photographs + documentation. This material is now in the hands of KP  

1952  approx.
Hakan Tollet (Swedish)
Hakan travels from Stockholm to Genova and back.  6222 km with a Vespa + sidecar.  Hakan tells about his adventures in 243 pages in his book MOTSOLS MED VESPAN. it is a pity that his book is in Swedish. It must be interesting. Nice drawings but no photographs.  Publ:  Wahlström & Widstrand

09.1952 - 1956
Ebeler, Hans Diether with (German, born ca. 1929) a woman (Name unknown. Germans)
+ Around-The-World. When Hans Diether started solo with his Vespa and a trailer with one wheel behind him and only DM 500,00 he had the dream to circle the Mediterrian Sea. Because he was short in money in Syria he started to write articles about his tour and to give interviews. That is the way he continued to pay his tour RTW: 54.000 kms (and 44.000 kms with ship and aeroplane). 42 countries in 4 continents with a Gräfin on a Hoffmann-Vespa-Scooter with a trailer.
Route: Europa - Egypten (nach 5 Monaten) - Sudan - Beirut - Bagdad - Persischer Golf - Pakistan - Indien - Burma - Singapur - Indonesia - Bali - Bangkok - Saigon - Manila - Hongkong - San Franzisco - Washington - New York. Nach vier Jahren El Paso - USA - Mexico. Because he could not make a decision if he should continue or goo on he threw a coin: And went home.
Book: "Randnotizen eines Weltenbummlers". 1965. Domino Verlag. München. Karte. 4 Fotos.
25.10.2002 I own a photocopy of this book. Who owns / sells the original book ? Who knows the author ?
29.11.2002 I heard by the publisher that Hans Diether died already.

25.07.1952 - 04.06.1954
Clerc, Michel Le und Jean-Claude Bois (01.05.1929 - 12.01.2000)
. Buch: Die grosse Spritztour. Die Idee zu dieser Reise kam 1951 nach einer an Zwischenfällen äusserst reichen Asien-Reise. Zwar sind sie noch "abgebrannt", aber "der Prosa des Lebens schon wieder müde". 62.000 km auf Motor-Rollern durch die neue Welt von Alaska bis Feuerland. Ausserdem 39.000 km mit Flugzeugen und ca. 15.000 km mit Schiffen. Jean Claude und Michel fuhren auf 2 Lambretta-Rollern AGF, 125 ccm, vom 25.07.52-04.06.54 als erste Motorrad-Fahrer die Route Alaska-Feuerland, wobei sie das Darien-Gap umschifften.
Route : USA - Kanada - Alaska bis zum Polarkreis - Mexiko - Guatemala - Costa Rica - Panama - Kolumbien - Ekuador - Peru - Bolivien - Chile - Argentinien - Patagonien - Feuerland (Ushuaia)- Uruguay und Brasilien.
Feuerland: Von Puenta Arenas erreicht man mit dem Patrouillenboot über die Magellanstrasse in 2,5 Stunden die Hauptinsel Feuerland mit 48.100 qkm im Hafen Porvenir. Die Insel besteht teils aus niedriger, hügeliger Ebene, teils aus Gebirgsland mit westlich-östlichen teils Geletscherketten. Das Gebirge Kordillere, welches durch die Magellanstrasse zerschnitten wird, endet im Süden durch die 565 m hohe, steil aus dem Meer herausragende Felspyramide "Kap Hoorn".
Bis zur Stadt Rio Grande gibt es zwei Wege: "El Cordon" über die Berge und einen längeren an der stark zerkl?fteten K?ste. S?dlich von Rio Grande bricht eine Hinterachse des Rollers, die sie erst 50 km südlicher bei einer deutschen Estancia mit gegenüberliegender Sperrholzfabrik reparieren können. Der deutsche Farmer versichert, dass er seit zehn Jahren hier ist und die Strasse 100 m nach Refugio endet. Hier beginnt der Bergrücken und die "Strasse" hinter Refugio wird zum Pfad mit Rundhölzern und Zweigen gegen den Sumpf. Schräge Bergrücken, Flüsse wie Rio Hambre und Rio Cafe müssen sie mit selbstgebauten Stegen überqueren. Durch Zufall entdecken sie einen Weissen, Daniel MacDonald, der ihnen nach 36 Stunden Hunger auf seiner rancho etwas zu essen gibt. Ushuaia ist von hier noch 35 km entfernt. Die Freunde Daniel und Jose helfen den Rollerfahrern bis zum Fluss Rio Triste. Eine Stunde später sehen sie von einem Hügel Ushuaia mit seinem Hafen und dem Halbkreis von Bergen mit schneebedeckten Gipfeln. Am 25.12.1953 erreichen sie das militärische Sperrgebiet Ushuaia. Zur Krönung schlafen sie im Grand Hotel Parque. Mit einer DC3 werden sie in einem Sonderflug kostenfrei nach Rio Grande zurück geflogen.
Sie haben 3 erste Landübergänge mit Motor Rollern geschafft : Mexiko - Guatemala, Costa Rica - Panama und auf Feuerland Lago Fagnano - Ushuaia. In Bolivien haben sie den ersten Höhen-Weltrekord für Roller aufgestellt : 5300 m über dem Meeresspiegel. 231 S. 8 SW-Fotos. 1 Kartenskizze.
Verlag: Albert Müller Verlag. Rüschlikon bei Zürich. Schweiz. 1955. Bibliothek.
Dasselbe Buch mit identischem Inhalt hat es 1956 noch als Paperback-Ausgabe und anderem Umschlag gegeben.
B.T.: Jean-Claude Bois (den B.T. persönlich kannte) und Michel Le Clerc bewältigen als erste Motorrad-Fahrer die Route Alaska-Feuerland, wobei sie das Darien-Gap umschifften. Sie sind die ersten Motorrad- und Roller-Fahrer, die Ushuaia am 25.12.1953 erreichen.

25.07.1952 – 04.06.1954
Bois, Jean-Claude and Michel Le Clerc (French)
North - and South-America. Alaska-Ushuaia. Jean Claude and Michel rode with Lambretta - scooters: 62.000 kms.
Ausserdem 39.000 km mit Flugzeugen und ca. 15.000 km mit Schiffen. Jean Claude und Michel fuhren auf 2 Lambretta-Rollern AGF, 125 ccm als erste Motorrad-Fahrer die Route Alaska-Feuerland Route, wobei sie das Darien-Gap umschifften.Sie haben 3 erste Landübergänge mit Motor Rollern geschafft : Mexiko - Guatemala, Costa Rica-Panama und auf Feuerland Lago Fagnano-Ushuaia. In Bolivien haben sie den ersten Höhen-Weltrekord für Roller aufgestellt : 5300 m über dem Meeresspiegel.
Route: USA - Kanada - Alaska bis zum Polarkreis - Mexiko - Guatemala - Costa Rica - Panama - Kolumbien - Ekuador - Peru - Bolivien - Chile - Argentinien - Patagonien - Feuerland - Uruguay und Brasilien.
The Worst: On the last day of their travel all their eight orignal films have been stolen. This was even worst because the profession of Jean Claude was a film-maker.
10.01.1988 Bernd Tesch phoned with Jean Claude.
15.10.1992 (40 years after his travel) Jean Claude visited Bernd Tesch in Aachen
1998 Patricia and I tried to see the real French mc-pioneer Jean-Claude Bois in South of France again. Jean - Claude was not at home and his neighbours had not seen him for weeks. I wanted to stay at least in his small village for a coffee - time in a nice restaurant to get an impression what makes a French mc-pioneer to travel out of his small village for such a big tour. Nobody of the neighbours we met knew something about his great trip. Finally I left a short letter saying him that we would love to have met him and asked him to give me his new address. I know that Jean - Claude would have given us a good welcome.
1999 Jean Claude wrote me that he is living in Paris now. In 1999 Jean Claude died. NO Motorcycle Magazine published something about the death about this pioneer!!
B.T.: The first tour Alaska - Tierra del Fuego with motorcycles / scooters.

Delliére, Pierre (French, born ca. 1930)
Vietnam - France.
The sergeant Pierre rode solo with a Vespa 125 ccm from Vietnam (Saigon) - to France (Paris) in 45 days with 16.333 km and through 14 countries. Before he has been working for two years in French Indochina. in 1997 Pierre is the owner of a car and bike museum on the french riviera in Orgon
Route: Vietnam (Saigon) - Cambodia - Thailand (Bangkok) - he flew with Vespa to India (Calkutta - New Delhi) Afghanistan - Iran - Irak (from Bagdad to Jordan (Amman) were 800 kms ofr road with much sand - Turkey (Istanbul) - Greece - Yugoslavia - Italy - France .Paris.During the trrip he had big problems to obtain visa for the various countries. He had 2 serious acceidents in which he hurt himself and nearly ruined the Vespa
The French Vespa Magazin rode an articel about him.
20.06.2002 This is mentioned in the book of Elisabeth Thrane (1953). It is written that they met him in Adana / Turkey already.
20.06.2002 Angaben in Ulrich Kubischs Buch: "Vespa mi amore". 1993. Schrader Verlag GmbH. Germany. ISBN 3-922617-99-9.
11.07.2002 users.skynet.be/scooter/history.htm Dort steht mehr, aber den Server kann man heute nicht finden.
29.11.2002 1st request to Kees Portanje for contact to Pierre.. Kees  visited  his museum in 1992

Guiseppe Morandi from Lugano to the Sahara:  6350 km of which 2100km through the dessert

With his 1949 125cc Vespa via Marseille with the boat to Tanger where he arrived in the rain season!  He went in the direction of Kerzaz and from here back again to Lugano.

A stressful journey and all alone! (from Schweizer Vespa Club nr 4  April 1953)

Gilbert Gilles  The first crossing of the Sahara on a motorscooter

Gilbert travels from Oran to Goa (Mali) on a brandnew 125cc Terrot scooter.  After long discussions he gets an approval to cross the Sahara via the piste of Tanezrouft and back to Algiers via Tamanrasset, so 2 routes different.The sand gives problems to the carburator. South of Kerzaz he gets his first big problem: after 3 days of waiting a truck takes him back to Kerzaz for repairs. He meets Touaregs, finds jerrycans with petrol laid by Shell, has problems with sparkplugs. 36 days after his departure and 3800 km he arrives in Goa. He lost 12,2 Kg weight. It is enough. He lifts back to Oran on a truck. There are festivities since he is the first man who crossed th Sahara on a scooter. It is a Guiness Record.

Gilbert Gilles was invited as a guest at the first Paris-Dakar race.

Audouin, Philippe
The student Philippe wanted to do what Pierre Delliére had done but the opposite way: Paros - Saigon. Befroe he made a long journey through Scandianvia with a Lambretta. In Syria desert the ignition stopped and he had to wait 25 hours without water befor a truck came.:
After 5 months he arrived in Saigon and passed Burma.

Mari, Edoardo (Italian)
. Edoardo rode solo 17.000 kms with a Lambretta D 150.
Algeria - Sahara - Uganda - Kenia (Nairobi) - Capetown.
1999 1st information by Frontanini

Hakan Tollet  
Travels from Stockholm to Genua and back with his wife on a Vespa with sidecar.  He makes 6222km in 40 days and writes a book on his adventures in Swedish : " Motsols mes Vespan"  The book has   pages and nice drawings . It is a pity I can not read it.

Thrane, Elisabeth and her Brother Erik (Danish)
Denmark - India.
Both rode on two Vespa Elite from Denmark to India (Bombay). The route was not easy for them.
Elisabeth wrote a book about this tour in Danish: "Pa scooter til Indien".
32 Kapitel. 176 Seiten. 25 SW-Fotos. 1 Karte.
Strecke: Rosenornsalle in Kobenhavn (????) - Zentraleuropa - Jugoslawien - Turkei (Istanbul - Ankara) - Syrien (Damaskus) - Irak (Bagdad) - Iran - Pakistan - Indien. Danisch.
Verlag: H. Hirschsprungs Forlag. Kobenhavn. Denemark. 1954.

22.03.1954 - 09.07.1955
Markert, Günther (German)
+ Around-The-World.
Eine abenteuerliche Rollerfahrt um die Erde durch 4 Kontinente und 33 Länder. Auf einer 50 ccm Kreidler R 50 (2 PS) 50.000 km rund um die Welt vom. Während seiner Reise stellt Günter am Popocatepetel mit 4600 m einen Weltrekord für Kreidler auf.
Route: BRD - Italien - Egypten - Sudan - Israel - Jordanien - Irak - Iran - Afghanistan - Indien - Südostasien - Hongkong - Japan - USA - Mexiko - USA - Marokko - Europa - Berlin.
Book: Die Welt war meine Strasse.
25.05.2000 I have been searching for him since years without success. I would like to know what happened with him after the tour. Does anyone of you know his earlier / present address 

03.03.54 - 05.06.1955
Eine Roller - Rundreise um Afrika. Die Franzosen
J. C. Marq und S. Gauquelin haben Afrika per Motor - Roller in 457 Tagen umrundet.
Route: Paris - Marseille - Alger - Marokko - Mauretanien - Sudan - Cote d'Ivoire - Senegal - Congo - Rhodesien - Capetown - Uganda - Egypten - Libyen - Alger.
B.T.: Nach meinem jetzigen Kenntnisstand ist dieses die erste und bis heute einzige wirklich komplette Zweirad - Umrundung Afrikas. Mir ist auch nicht bekannt, dass dieses ein Auto komplett geschafft hat !

06.07.1954 - ??
Balois, Claude
Claude wanted to vist his brother who was living in Sri Lanka.
Book: Balois, Claude: Namo Lanka. De Tours à Ceylan en scooter. Sur la route des Indes... un abbé et un scooter.
Deutsch : Von Tours (Frankreich) bis nach Ceylon mit einem 125 ccm Lambretta-Roller. Auf der Strasse nach Indien... ein Pfarrer und ein Roller.
Strecke : Frankreich - Italien - Jugoslawien - Griechenland - Turkei - Syrien - Turkei - Irak - Iran - Pakistan - per Schiff von Karachi nach Bombay Indien - Ceylon. 207 Seiten. 20 SW-Fotos. 4 Kartenskizzen und 1 Kartenskizze zur übersichts. Französisch.
Verlag: Edite par l'Auteur. Herausgegeben vom Autor. (Imprime chez Mame Tours). Tours. Nummerierte 1. Auflage 1 bis 50. Nummerierte 2. Auflage 1 bis 250. 1955. Frankreich. Bibliothek.
Hardcover-Ausgabe mit Farbumschlag: 241 S. Staatenanhang.
Verlag: Maison Mame.

Sauvage Daniel and Francoise (French)      Who knows their address ???
Around Mediterranean Sea. 
I have been searching Daniel and Francoise since many years without success. In 1995 and 1996 I have been visiting already the most famous mc-travellers in France. In 1998 I heard that Daniel should live with his parents in Cannes in France but could not find him. Even the French Mc-Travel friends Lagrot did not find him.Although I know most of the ways how to search persons in France I could not find the Sauvages. As well nobody of French mc-travellers I know and even not the mc-magazines do not know them although they are famous mc-travellers. Because of "liberte" you do not have to register in France at the community. Book: Both Sauvages wrote a book: "Ma Vespa, ma femme et moi". 25.000 kms total around the Mediteranen sea with a Vespa about 1955.
B.T.: So far I do not know any other person who rode TOTALLY around Mediterranean Sea.

The Greek father of Thanassise Gaitatzis wrote with his mother on the backseat with a scooter "Heinkel-Roller" from Germany (Duisburg) to Greek (Thessaloniki).
05.03.2002 1st information by son Thanassise Gaitatzis
05.03.2002 Asked for update

Oram, Malcom (Australian)
+ Europe - Asia - Australia.
The author and his lady - both from Australia - have spend three years in Europe but they are longing for going home. To get an affordabel ticket for a transport by boat to Australia they had to wait eight months. So they hitchhiked to Italy (Genua). From the PIaggio-factory they bought the cheapest Vespa 15 ccm and two up plus gear (including a guitar) they started for Comlombo in Ceylon. Already in Jugoslawia the path turned brown, very steep and narrow with oxcarts and sheep. In Greece heavy rain and slippery road with waterfilled potholes big enouh to hide a Vespa. Cheap hotels in Turkey, dirty and buginfested. Through Syria and in Jordan Malcom was struck by yellow jaundice and had to spend three weeks in an arab hospital. To avoid the Syrian sand desert they took bus-transport from Jordan (Amman) to Irak (Bagdad). But now they were delayed with winter in Iran and Afghanistan. So they headed to Basra in Irak and managed to catch a pilgrim steamer. Cheapest third class deck transport together with natives. Disembarkation in India (Bombay) and finally they reached Ceylon (Colombo). They had only two pounds left but the cheapest boat transort to Australia was 150 pounds. By luck they found an Italian emigrant-boat, bound for Australia, and when they told the commanding officers about their adventoures Vespa-journey, they were allowed onboard togehther with their Vespa. The book is written In English. 223 pages. Hardcover.
Book: The long brown path. Horwitz Publications Inc. Sidney. 1957.
17.05.2004 1st infortmation by Evald Bengtsson in Sweden who owns this book.

18.05.1956 - < 1958
Roskolenko, Harry (American)
+ Around-The-World.
Around-The-World on a Vespa scooter with three wheels. 37.000 miles. A highly literate account of an around-the-world adventure of Harry who was working before 12 hours a day as a journalist.
Route: USA (New York) - Frankreich (Paris) - Italien (Genua) - ...Did not have the time to work this out..
Book: Poet on a scooter. Journeys around the world on a Vespa (1958).

04.1956 - ??
Worrall, Phil (GB) and Fay Kelaher (GB)
Plan: Great Britain - Asia - Australia.
Zwei Engländerinnen mit zwei Motorrollern unterwegs zur Opympiade von Grossbritannien nach Australien. Hans Winter halfen ihnen in Griechenland bei einer Reifenpanne.
Route: Great Britain - ?? - Griechenland - ?? - Australien.
27.05.2005: 1st info by Hans Winter. This were their addresses in 1956: PHIL WORRALL in HABLEDON RD., QUAKERS HILL, SYDNEY N.S.W. AUSTRALIA
27.05.2005 Does anyone have more information if they arrived? And where they are now ?

< 1956
Battaglini, Cesare, Dr. (Italian, born ca. 1930)
+ Europe > Asia > Europe overland. Winner of the over 10.000 km by "Lambretta competition" organised by Innocenti of MIlan. 26 years old Cesare of Bologna is seen here after his 20.000 mile journey from Barcelona to Colombo and back to Italy. He won a million lire.
28th april.1955 Picture and a bit info
Book: Ceylon. India. Oriente Misterioso ed Africa esplorati col mio scooter. 160.000 km. 1959. Around-The-World on a Lambretta.
16.11.2005 First information to B.T. by Evald Bengtsson

15.07.1956 - 09.09.1959
Battaglini, Cesare (Italian)
+ Around-The-World.
He started with two women: Rita van de Werde (Dutch from Amsterm got homethick in Central America) and Felicitas Hauch (German from Berlin, got Yellow Fever in Indonesia and flew home) by two scooter Lambretta 150 D. 160.000 kms.
Route: Italy - .. Indochina - Indonesia - China - Australia - New Caledonia - New Zealand - Polinesia - North America - South America - Africa - Italy.
Book: ?Ceylon. India. Oriente Misterioso ed Africa esplorati col mio scooter".
1999 1 st information by Frontanini
13.08.2000 I do not own the book. Who owns the book or sells it? Who knows the present address of  Cesare Battaglini?

12.1956 - ?
Ebert, Guy (Swedish)
"En Svensk Pa Afrika-Semester" (Sweden)
Sweden - Spain - Africa - Spain - Sweden. A swedish guy rode solo 11.000 km with a Vespa-Scooter. In Africa he rode 3.000 km.
Route: Sweden -.. France - with a ferry to Senegal (Dakar) - Gambia - Senegal (Casamanca) - Portuguese Guinea - mountains area Fouta Djallon - Senegal (Tambacounda - Kaolack - Dakar) - by ferry back to Spain (Sevilla) -...Sweden.
1958, Nr. 5. An article in Swedish magazin FART. Motor-revy.
24.06.2002 1st information by Evald Bengsston

Nov. 1956 - Feb. 1957
Dreling, Robert
Conakry - Abidjan: Ca. 6500 km gefahren. Mit einem Maico - Roller, 250 ccm, 16 PS, fuhren Robert Dreling (1987  schon 77 Jahre) und Herr Deutz mit einem Bella - Roller, 150 ccm, 11 PS,
Route: Mit Schiff von Marseille nach Conakry. Mit Rollern Conakry - Kindia - Daloa - Kissidougou - Gueckedou - Macenta (die Urwald - Piste war hier nur manchmal 60 cm breit!) - Man - Daola - Abidjan. Rückfahrt: Abidjan - Bouake - Ferkessedougou - Korhogo - Tengrela - Bougouni - Kankan - Dabola - Conakry.
1987 Robert hielt einen Dia-Vortrag auf dem TTTreffen mit SW-Dias. Er wurde mit steheden Ovationen gefeiert.

26.04.1956 - ?.
Vasli, Michel and Serge Gracium (French)
Michel and Serge worked in Indochina /Saigon and wanted to travel home by scooters. They started from Saigon heading for Paris on two Peugeot-scooters 10.580 miles.
Route: Indochina (Saigon) - Cambodia - Siam - India - Pakistan - Iran - Turkey - Yugoslawia - France (Paris).
12.2000 The Cassic Motorcycle.
30.06.2002 1st information by Evald Bengsston
01.07.2002 1st request for update

15.07.1956 - 09.09.1959
Battaglini, Cesare (Italian)
+ Around-The-World. He started with two women: Rita van de Werde (Dutch from Amsterm got homethick in Central America) and Felicitas Hauch (German from Berlin, got Yellow Fever in Indonesia and flew home) by two scooter Lambretta 150 D. 160.000 kms.
Route: Italy - .. Indochina - Indonesia - China - Australia - New Caledonia - New Zealand - Polinesia - North America - South America - Africa - Italy.
Book: ?Ceylon. India. Oriente Misterioso ed Africa esplorati col mio scooter".
1999 1 st information by Costantino Frontanili
13.08.2000 I do not own the book. Who owns the book or sells it? Who knows the present address of  Cesare Battaglini?
08.06.2005 Info by Carlos Cordeiro about the following websites:
08.06.2005 Email to Paolo Catani (webiste http://www.racinglambrettas.com) who wrote in his website in 1998 that he calls the president of his club: Battaglini, Cesare (article: Millstreet 1998 I call our Lambretta Club President Cesare Battaglini at the last minute (if ... A myth for scootering: Cesare Battaglini. Of course even if he is not a ... www.racinglambrettas.com/jamboree/Millstreet.htm)
- Lambretta Club Sicilia - Chi siamo Iniziarono i contatti, e trovarono in Cesare Battaglini un alleato prezioso che mise a loro disposizione la sua esperienza e la sua professionalit?. ... www.lambrettaclubsicilia.it/chi/chisiamo.h
08.06.2005 In this website I found a picture of this Lambretta.l
Moto al Museo della Scienza - La Lambretta 125 m Nel 1957 Cesare Battaglini , gi? noto per i suoi viaggi, part? per un giro del mondo che sarebbe finito solo due anni dopo. ... www.museoscienza.org/moto/lambretta.html
Lambretta del giro del mondo" and :
Nel 1957 Cesare Battaglini , gi? noto per i suoi viaggi, part? per un giro del mondo che sarebbe finito solo due anni dopo. La Innocenti a scopo pubblicitario gli aveva fornito due Lambrette 150 D (una per se` e una per una compagna di viaggio) modificate per l'occasione con portapacchi e serbatoio maggiorato. La durata del viaggio era dovuta al carattere dell'impresa decisamente diversa dalle precedenti; infatti il nostro esploratore non fece un mero periplo ma proprio un esplorazione dei continenti: dalla Terra del Fuoco al Canada, dal Sudafrica al Mediterraneo ecc. Il Museo della Scienza tuttora conserva uno dei due esemplari che accompagnarono Cesare Battaglini nell'impresa.

1957 - ?
Ajala, Olabisi (Nigerian)
+ Around-The-World. Solo on a scooter Lambretta so far 78 countries.
Kurze Einführung des Ministers der Justiz von Kenya. Olabisi sagt in seinem Vorwort, dass dieses Buch das erste von 3 Büchern seiner Weit-Reisen sei. Er hatte bis zu dieser Zeit schon 78 Länder besucht. Sein Reisefahrzeug ist ein. Dieses Buch enthölt in 7 Kapiteln Erzählungen seiner One-man Odyssey around the world".
Route: Indien - Russland - Iran - Mittlerer Osten - Israel - Egypten - Australien. Olabisi met interesting persons like Chrustchow, Nasser, Nehru, Schah von Persien, Prinz Sihanouk, Golda Meir und Tchiang Kai Chek (Chiang Kai Chek). Nord-Amerika, Ost- und West-Europa, Afrika, Asien bis Korea, Indonesien, Australien.
Book: An African abroad (1963).
Deutsch : Ein Afrikaner draussen. He said that this is one of three books. I could never get information of the other two.

Ajala, Olabisi
An African abroad (geb. 1930). Deutsch : Ein Afrikaner draussen. Kurze Einführung des Ministers der Justiz von Kenya. Olabisi sagt in seinem Vorwort, dass dieses Buch das erste von 3 Büchern seiner Weit-Reisen sei. Er hatte bis zu dieser Zeit schon 78 Länder besucht. Sein Reisefahrzeug ist ein Motor-Roller Lambretta. Dieses Buch enthält in 7 Kapiteln Erzëhlungen seiner "one-man Odyssey around the world" ab 1957 aus Indien, Russland, Iran, dem Mittleren Osten, Israel, Egypten und Australien. Olabisi sagt, dass die Hauptzwecke seines Buches sind, über die verschiedenen Kulturen zu berichten, über den Charakter verschiedener Persönlichkeiten der F?hrungsschicht zu erz?hlen und "to share my conversations and my observations on their mentality". Das Buch ist voll von Treffen mit sehr bekannten Personen dieser Zeit wie Chrustchow, Nasser, Nehru, dem Schah von Persien, Prinz Sihanouk, Golda Meir und Tchiang Kai Chek (Chiang Kai Chek). - Olabisi wurde 1930 in Nigeria geboren und an verschiedenen Universit?ten in den USA ausgebildet. 256 S. 7 Teile mit 27 Kapiteln. 18 SW-Fotos. 21,5 cm L x 14,5 H. Hardcover. Englisch. - In der Bibliothek des Britischen Museums waren die beiden anderen B?cher bis 1993 nicht zu finden.
Route: Nord-Amerika, Ost- und West-Europa, Afrika, Asien bis Korea, Indonesien, Australien.
Verlag: Published by Hutchinson with the imprint of Jarrolds Publishing. London. Gro?britannien. 11/1963. Bibliothek

Engh, Rohn (American) and Rudolph Thurau (German)
The student of art Rohn (28) and the journalist Rudolph (23) started with a Vespa Grand Sport in Holland (Amsterdam). They had only DM 500,00 and two guitarres. They earned all for the trip playing in the countries they rode to: Europe - North- and Zentral-Africa as far as the Gulf of Guinea. They had no big technical trouble with the Vespa.
Article in magazine VESPA-Tip of German Vespa-Club.

17.03.1957 + two months
Pierre Mair? (French)
Pierre left France in the beginning of the fifthies to work in Tahiti and New Caledonia. In 1957 he took a few months off and rode with his three gear Vespa around the blue laggons of New Caledonia. Then he took a ship to Australia and made a two months tour through the bush of Australia. He took then a boat to Germany (Bremerhaven) and took another ride 6.000 km through Scandinavia. His tour in total was 18.000 kms. When he came back to Tahiti the factory of Vespa gave him a new one

26.07- 18.08.1957
Kees Portanje and Anneke Snijder travel with a Vespa 150cc 1956  from  Amersfoort Holland via Belgium - France - Paris - Cannes - Monaco - Milano - Spl?genpas - Lichtenstein -Schwarzwalderhochstrasse - D?sseldorf back home. One motorproblem in Italy.  Their first motorscootertrip. Total: 3582 km  Costs:   120 Euro per day. Complete documentation with KP

07.02.1958 - plan + 15 months
Hutt, Tony (British, London) andGraham Rex (Australian)
- England - Australia. Both met at a cocktail party last April and decided to ride back on Lambrettas. They wanted to spend 1 Engl. Pound a day.
Route: Plan GB (London) - 15 European countries - finnaland - U.S.S.R. - Persia - Pakistan - India
19.02.1958 Published in British Motorcycle "Motor Cycling" with "Scooter Weekly", page 771, as a short information without picture.
20.12.2005 1st information to B.T. by Evald Bengsston from Sweden
30.12.2005 Foto-copy under Hutt in file "Australia".
30.12.2005 Who knows more and their addresses? Or other publications ? Or fotos of them ?

03.05.1958 - ?
Engelbert, Victor (Belgium)
Victor crossed Africa in four months. 20.000 kms. 600 liter petrol. 1958. Victor Englebert.
Puplication: ?20000 km door Africa . ?Vespa Club Nr. 26, 1958, S. 19.
17.01.2006 2nd information by Thomas Vongehr .
Er ist urspr?nglich aus Br?ssel und lebt nun in Amerika als Photograph. Ich habe ihm eine mail geschickt, auf die er mir sehr freundlich geantwortet hat
19.01.2006 1st request for update like example ?M?ller?.

30.07 - 03.08.1958
Kees Portanje and Anneke Snijder travel with 1956 Vespa 150cc from Amersfoort Holland via Bordeax - Biarritz - to Spain:  San Sebastian - Bilbao - Zaragossa - Barcelona - Sitges - Beziers - Paris  back to Holland. Vespa problems in Spain: motor needed decoaling. and Paris (brakes).  Total about: 3500 km

Documentation now in KP's Vespa Collection.

11.1958 - 02.1959
Dreling, Robert
Douala - Mombasa - Pointe Noire: Ca. 6000 km gefahren. Mit einem Maico - Roller, 250 ccm, 16 PS, fuhr Robert Dreling solo.
Route: Mit Schiff bis Douala. Per Roller Douala - Yaounde - Bangui - Libenge - Lisala - Bumba - Aketi - Buta - Stanleyville (= Kisangani) - Nia Nia - Mambasa - Irumu - Lubero - Rutshuru - Gisenyi - Mbarasa - Mombasa. Zur?ck ?ber Kampala - Beni - Nia Nia - Stanleyville - mit Schiff nach Leopoldville (= Brazzaville) - Pointe N

1987 Robert gave a slides-show on the ? TTTreffen when he was 87 already. He got standing ovations. Bernd Tesch bought his scooter

30.06 - 12.07.1959
Kees Portanje and Anneke Snijder travel with their 1956 Vespa150  from rainy Amersfoort Holland through Germany:  Monschau - Trier - Saarbrr?cken - Strasburg - Lausanne - Simplonpas - Milano - Venezia -Col du Mont Cenis (2083m) via Paris back home.   Only 12 days this time because Kees was in the Dutch army. Total: approx. 2500 km

< 1960
Sluyds, Mario ?Vespa Club? 1960 (belgische Zeitschrift) ?Un voyage en Inde seul sur une Vespa recit de Mario Sluyds? (Fortsetzung in Nummer 33) 17.01.2006 1st information by Thomas Vongehr
19.01.2006 1st request for update like example ?M?ller?

Currie, Bob (England)
on a Vespa SS180 combination. I haven`t seen anything published by him, have you? All I have seen is a series in the VVC-newsletter (VVC=Vespa Veteran Club) where he tells about the journey.
22.07.2002 1st information by Evald Bengtsson. Asked for more information

26.05 - 11.06.1960
Kees Portanje and Anneke Snijder travel for the 4th time with their 1956 Vespa 150cc.  

Robertson, Caroline and Patricia Pringle (Scotland)
? Around-The-World
. In the year 1961 two Scots girls, Caroline Robertson and Patricia Pringle, started out on two Vespas for a round-the -world tour.They planned to stay away for two years. Probably with sponsorship from Douglas. Do you know if they succeded and did they write something?
22.07.2002 1st information by Evald Bengtsson. Asked for more information

11.08 - 29.08.1961
Kees Portanje and Mieke Poort on a 1959 Vespa GS 150 leave Amersfoort . Through France:  Chalons - Cannes . Camping on the golfcourse of La Napoule - Nice - Monte Carlo and back home again. In France on the way to Paris : problems with the motor: a jammed piston. They  limped home from there to Holland. It did not harm their new friendship, Mieke and Kees married in 1964.

Foto: Peter Dumlich in 1962

07.06.1962 - 04.10.1962
Dumlich, Hans-Peter (German, born 23.03.1941)
+ Germany - Nepal. Hans-Peter (at the age of 21 years) rode solo on a Vespa 125 from Germany (Berlin) to Nepal (Kathmandu). He had asked Vespa to partially sponsor his trip but never recieved an answer. The scooter journey began on June 7, 1962 and came to a grinding halt (broken rear axle) on October 4, 1962 The total cost for the trip: $US 525.- and 1000 Indian Rupees. The journey cost me $ US 525,- and 1000 rupies out of my finally sold scooter. The speedometer was broken half the way.
Purpose of travel:
As a citizen of Berlin, cooped up in the city by the surrounding Soviet controlled DDR, and never really having had a chance to travel far, the desire to keep on rolling without the constraint of a nearby border, simply overwhelmed me. The thirst for adventure and the irrepressible drive to see what was outside "THE WALL" was enough motivation to take on any risk.
Route: Europe (Germany, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Western Turkey) - Asia (Eastern Turkey, Persia, East Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Nepal)
Highlights of the journey: Wherever I went, I was absolutely astonished by the unexpected hospitality of the (mostly poor) people. However, on the other side, when touring the coast of the Caspian Sea, a Persian millionaire invited me for 14 days to be his guest. As a motorcycle or scooter traveller one day one might sleep in the ditch beside the road, the next day one might sleep under silken covers.
Low of the journey: When the scooter broke down in Nepal. Hans- Peter had to sell the Vespa in Kathmandu. He did not have the time and money to wait for a new axle. The 1000 Indian Rupees for the scooter enabled Hans-Peter to hitchhike through India and to buy a student-passage with a P&O steamship from Cochin (Southern India) to Messina (Italy). By  thumb and train back to Germany.
Conclusion and advise: Travel while you are young and single and never refuse offered hospitality. By now I have forgotten the fleas I picked up this way, but I have not forgotten that I slept in a "bed" while the owner of this bed slept on the floor.
31.01.2006 First info by Peter and 1st request for update:
Considering, dass es in Persien (dem heutigen Iran) keine asphaltierten Strassen gab (Teheran war die Ausnahme) kann ich mit reinem Gewissen behaupten, dass auch ich einige Abenteuer im Sand erlebte. Auf alle Faelle stimme ich mit Dir ueberein: Motorrad Reisende tragen zur Weltverstaendigung bei. Die anderthalb Jahre auf dem Treck haben jedenfalls einen anderen Menschen aus mir gemacht!
12.04.2006 Versprach noch ein Bild von sich und dem Roller zu schicken !
06.05.2006 Last update

14.08.1964 - 12.09.1965
Rasmussen, Vagn (Danish)
+ Around-The-World. Mit 100 US $ auf einem Vespa-Roller (Typ Grand Torismo (150 ccm) mit 29 Jahren solo um die Welt.
Route: D?nemark (Kerteminde) - z?gig in Europa ?ber die DDR - die Tschechoslowakei - ?sterreich - Ungarn - Jugoslawien - Bulgarien - T?rkei - Iran - Afghanistan - Pakistan - Kaschmir - Indien - arbeitet auf einem Schiff bis Singapur - auf einem anderen Frachter bekommt er einen Job bis Australien - dort trampt Vagn um den halben Kontinent - zur?ck in Singapur mit Vespa-Roller Malaysia - Thailand. Mit norwegischen Schiffen arbeitet er sich weiter bis Hongkong und Japan. ?ber den Pazifik bringt ihn ein Frachtschiff nach Los Angeles zur?ck nach USA. Mit dem Roller auf dem Heck durchquert er Nord-Amerika bis New York. Wieder gelingt es ihm, sich ?ber den Atlantik bis Holland in Europa zu arbeiten -D?nemark: 23 Staaten in 4 Kontinenten
Nach Kenntnis von Bernd Tesch ist Vagn der 1. Roller-Reisende, der die Welt alleine mit einer Vespa umrundet hat.
1991 Bernd Tesch besucht Vagn in D?nemark.

1965 - 1968 - ?
Welker, Michael (German)
? Around-The-World. 1965-68 Quer durch Australien.
Mit 54 er Vespa rund um die Welt. Keine Infos mehr.
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

??.06.1965 - ??. 09.1969
Currie, Bob ?? R.N. ?? (England, Born ??)
+ Around-The-World
on a Vespa Super Sport 180 ccm combination. Fitted was a Bambini sidecar Watsonian. Long range fuel tank gals (=27 litre) + standard tank (2 gals). 2 x fog lights. 1 x spot light. Rear carrier with numerous spare wheels. 6 volt car battery. Fuel pump. 5 gals water (where needed). 1 gal oil. Bob rode 37.000 miles (= 59.200 kms) in 51 months in ??? different countries. Average 50+ miles / gallon. Engine still original today. Still original chrankshaft today. New bearings. All engine never failed. Still one owner today.
June 1965: Europe (central Europe - behind iron curtain into Hungary, Yugoslavia - Greece - Turkey) - Syria - Libanon - Jordan - stopped at Iraqi border because there was no permission for a overland route to India - returned to U.K. in sept. 1965.
July 1966: Shipped with "Queen Mary" to North America (USA (New York) - across USA by Vespa - Canada - - USA ?? - Mexico)
December 1966: Shipped by "Orsova" via Hawaii / Figi to New Zealand (Auckland).
Dec 1966 - March 1967: Toured north and south Islands of NZ including 500 miles of dirt roads.
March 1967 Sept. 1967: Shipped with "Orcades" to Australia (Sydney) - Melbourne - Adelaide - across Nullabor - Perth ( 700 miles of dirt road)
Sept 1967: Shipped to India (Colombo) - ??? dwited ??? via Capetown to Naples ?? (Israli war) - Achillelauro ???
Sept. 1969: Europe (Holland - ?? - Denmark - Norway - Sweden - ???
Publication : A series of four editions in the VVC-newsletter (VVC=Vespa Veteran Club) journey.
29.03.1994 1st information by Paul Pratt.
22.07.2002 2nd information by Evald Bengtsson. Evald send me a summary of four series about Bob Currie from a VVC (Vespa-Club)
05.08.2002 1st letter to Leslie Smith, VVC president. The Hermitage, Hazlewood Road. Duffield. Derbyshire.DE56 4DP, England.
17.02.2003 1st contact with Bob via email and later letter.
18.02.2003 1st request for update

01.08.1978 - 01.09.1981
Nuzzo, Giovanni Giancarlo (Italian, born ??.??.1953)
+ This tour not complete Around-The-World. First World tour through 4 continents 78.327 km with a Vespa-scooter (125 GTR called "Bombi").
In total Giancarlo rode more than 100.000 km with his Vespa since 1974.
Route: Giancarlo Nuzzo started 1978 touring in Europe and North Africa. Visited Nordkap and Tammanrasset. He then took his Vespa to New York, traveled through Canada to San Francisco and then down to Tierra del Fuego.
Earlier experiences:
Summer 1978
Within 2 months Giancarclo rode 8.500 kms without any technical problems.
Route: Italy - Greece - Turkey (Istanbul) - Bulgaria - Rumania - Jugloslawia - Italy.

20.04.1979 -28.07.1979
Giancarlo rode 20.576 km within three months with his Vespa "Bombi" 125 GTRin Europe and Africa.
Route: Italy - Tschechozlovaki - Poland - Finnland - Norwegian (Norkap) - "On the raod" he met a Japanese with a YAMAHA XT 250 and both rode together from Finnland to North Cape. Only 1.800 km to the North Pole - back through Norwegen - Sweden - Denmark - Germany - Fance - Spain - Morocco - Algeria (Beni Abbes - Adrar - further south the sand was so deep that Giancarlo returned to Adar and rode via Ain Salah to Tamanrasset. Back - Ain Salah - El Golea) - Tunisia - Italy.

19.06.1980 - 30.12.1980
TRANS AMERICAS TOUR. Giancarlo planned to ride solo in 6 months from Canada to Argentina (Tierra del Fuego) and made it with 39.343 km in 6,5 months.
Route: Italy - by plane with Vespa to USA (N.Y.) - Canada (Ottawa - Montreal - Toronto - Chibogamou) - USA (Grand Canyon - Rocky Mountains - Yellowstone Park - San Franzisco - Arizona - New Mexico - Nevada) - Mexico - through bad weather (june to dezember it is raning in Central America) - in Guatemala Giancarclo had an accident because he did not see a big stone - El Salvador - Panama - by ship to Colombia - Equador - Peru (here the Vespa had to go up 4.843 m) - Chile (Atacama - Santiago - Provinz Oscorno: Here he met a German who has been travelling by motorcycle for 18 months in South America) - Argentina (Patagonia - Perrito Moreno - Glacier - Ushuaia (04.12.1980) - Buenos Aires) - Italy.

Ca. 1982 - 1986.
Shetty, Vasante S. (India)
? Around-The-World.
1986 war der Inder auf einer 16 Jahre alten Lambretta (italienisch-indische Co-Produktion) schon solo 3 Jahre 65.000 km unterwegs.
Route: Von Indien (Bombay) mit Schiff nach Ost-Afrika ?bergesetzt - Sudan - ?gypten - Griechenland - Jugoslawien - ?sterreich - Deutschland - hier die Einladung von Thomas Schmidt, Werner Eberhardt und Hans W?hrle angenommen, die er in Suez getroffen hatte - Plan: Schweiz - Frankreich - Spanien - Berlin - Skandinavien - USA - Ferner Osten - Bombay, 5-6 Jahre. War im Juni 1986 in Alpirsbach.
19.04.97 Erste Info von Gregory Frazier
22.05.2000 I do not know more details. Who knows them, their present address or publications about them??

Haase, Hans-Martin and Gabriele   Island-Book  DM 24,90
05.1999: After a long  research I finnaly found the Biologie-Dozent Hans-Martin and Gabriele. Their in German written book is called "Island.
Erfahrungen. Erlebnisse. Entdeckungen. Alternativer Reisef?hrer". A travel by scooter from Stuttgart with a Vespa P 200 E with two persons (Hans-Martin and Gabriele) in 32 days around Island: 4.900 kms on one scooter. Additionally 4000 kms by ships.
After a northcape-tour with a car R 4 with heating system the student of  Biologie Hans-Martin peferred out of financial reasons a motorcycle. But as well: "A diect contact with the nature of wind and climate makes you more being in the countryside". View about the charakter of Island. How to reach Island? Far?er Islands. The adventurous tour of 33 days are described day by day with personal happenings and sightseeings. Equipment. 80 pp. 22 colour-pictures. 2 colour-maps. 1 route-drawing. 15 cm B x 16 H. Hardcover. Book only available from Tesch.
Acknwoledgement: The dozent of Biologie Hans-Martin still owns his Vespa. In 1999 Gabriele and Hans-Martin are still riding the scooter in the mountaines of  "Schw?bische Alp" if their three children are at their grandparents.
14.-16.04.2000: They plan to come with their children to the "22. Moto-Fernreise-Treffen" and sign their book.

10.05.1986 - 02.07.88
Smith, Tom (Canadian)    http://www.islandnet.com/~odyssey1 and  http://www.melawend.com
+ Around-The-World.
Solo Around the World with Honda Elite 250. 50.000 kms.
Route: Canada (Ontario - Nova Scotia - Ontario) - by plane to Great Britain - Norway - Sweden - Denmark - the Netherlands - Germany - Belgium - Luxembourg - Germany - Austria - Liechtenstein - Switzerland - France - Spain - Monaco - Italy - Greece - by ship to Egypt - Sudan - Kenya - by plane to India - Nepal - by plane to Singapore - Malaysia - by plane to Japan - by plane to Hawaii - by plane to USA  (at Los Angeles - across the USA via San Francisco - St. Louis - Nashville - Washington D.C. - New York)  and back to Canada  (at Fort Erie, Ontario).
Purposes: New perspectives on life and love. In part, a journey in search of  "Her" - my soulmate. I designed this tour as a project to promote international friendship and communication: "Cycle for Life: World Odyssey"- meeting with municipal, regional and national government officials - mayors, governors, generals, ambassadors.  It was a journey of meeting people on their own ground and finding common bonds between people - the basis for friendship and understanding.  It was also a journey into the self - to overcome personal limitations and to gain.
Highlights:  surviving three crashes, injuries and dysentery; feeling the terror in Paris during "the September Bombings";
shaking hands with Pope John Paul at the Vatican;  resolving a confrontation with an Arab along the Nile; learning from romantic interludes and troubles in the Sinai; being kissed by a lion in Kenya; being taken downtown by the secret police in Nairobi; surviving a blistering but fascinating passage through India;  coming to grips with life in Nepal; discovering a treasure in the South China Sea;  overcoming "the Wizard of Oz syndrome" in the corporate and media worlds of Tokyo;  exploring island life while marooned for four months in the Pacific; and relishing the home run "across the living breadth of America".
Book: In the Long Run (2000). Plus Digital 42-image slide show on diskette. Both are only availabale through tom?s website (see on top).
03.05.2000 1st. information by Grant Johnson:
04.05.2000 1st contact.

< 1992
Nuzzo, Giovanni Giancarlo (Italian)
+ Around-The-World.
Weltreise durch 4 Kontinente mit einem Roller.
23.11.92 First contact.
Books: Scoprire l'Italia in Moto (Italian).
Motorradtouren in Italien (German edition).

30.07.1992 - ca. 02.1993
Bettinelli, Giorgio (Italian)
Giorgio wrote a book about his Vespa trip from Rome to Saigon in 1992-1993 with 7,5 months. He also did Alaska - Tierra del Fuego in Vespa 1994-1995. He has done other trips all on a Vespa but I have no other specifics. Il Raid Mototuristico means The Mototurism Raid, I can not explain it. "In vespa - da Roma a Saigon" Feltrinelli ?.12000
27.06.2002 1st information by George Migliorelli being "on the road" RTW
27.06.2002 1st request for upadte from Carlo Nuzzo and Carlo Muttoni.
19/07/2001] Giorgio Bettinelli ha concluso il raid intorno al mondo che lo ha portato a percorrere 144.000 km in 1000 giorni. Edizioni Feltrinelli Sar? presente l'autore.
1997. Milano Teatro Dal Verme

1994 - 1995
Bettinelli, Giorgio (Italian)
Giorgio wrote a book about his Vespa trip from Rome to Saigon in 1992-1993. He also did Alaska - Tierra del Fuego in Vespa 1994-1995. He has done other trips all on a Vespa but I have no other specifics. Il Raid Mototuristico means The Mototurism Raid, I can not explain it.
27.06.2002 1st information by George Migliorelli being "on the road" RTW
27.06.2002 1st request for upadte from Carlo Nuzzo and Carlo Muttoni.

15.11.1997 - ??.05.2002
Bettinelli, Giorgio (Italian, Rome)
+ Around-The-World.
Girgio rode 144.000 km in 1000 days durung 42 months through five continents. His reportages were totally published in Tuttomoto.
Route: Ushuaia (Terra del Fuego) through 5 continents and finish in Hobart, Tasmania last may. This adventure is
just one of the many others from George: Roma- Siagon; George prefer long distance raid. Online, you can read (but download is a little bit difficult) the last part of the raid on the Tuttomoto website, following the links you find at the end of this article. It's a short story about it is, very inspiring for all the people that love Vespa and like this adventouros way of riding. For sure George doesn't like all inclusive trips and I think that many of us would like to have his enormous baggage of human experiences.
30.07.1992-1993: Giorgio wrote a book about his Vespa trip from Rome to Saigon in 1992-1993 18.000 miles and 7,5 months: "In Vespa da Roma a Saigon"
10.05.1994 (Anchorage). He also did Alaska - Tierra del Fuego in Vespa 1994-1995. He has done other trips all on a Vespa but I have no other specifics. Il Raid Mototuristico means The Mototurism Raid, I can not explain it.
Earlier experiences: Giorgio said that he has been a wanderer for ever. With 14 he hitchiked from Italy (Milano) to Denmark (Copenhagen). After his study of Ancient Literature he took off a year and travvled to India.
27.06.2002 1st information by George Migliorelli being "on the road" RTW
30.06.02 Asked Giovanni Carlo Nuzzu (who knows him very well) to find out his address or email
19.02.2003 1st contact with Giorgio Bettinelli: 25th Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers "Around The World".
Dear Bernd, thank you for your mail and the invitation for the 11th-13th april meeting in Belgium. I will be very pleased to come, and ride my Worldwide Odyssey Vespa over there. There will be plenty of time to talk about our previous and next trips, our books and so on. I'm really looking foreward to meet ou and your friends, to disscuss future programs and having some of the world famous belgium beers. The 30th of july I will be leaving for a new trip, ywhich will take 4 years or more and will be through all the 194 countries in the world. I can hardly wait!! Please, keep in contact and let me know what I have to bring with me: slides, books, pictures ect. Meet you soon. Giorgio
19.02.2000 1st request for update

Peter Fischer (German)
Ca.7000 kms in 4 weeks with dealers from Vespa Germany. Organizing and guiding tour throug 5 countries in Latinamerica on Vespa Hexagon 180 cc scooters.
Route: Argentina - Chile - Paraguay - Uruguay - Brasil - Buenos Aires - Santiago - Asuncion - Foz do Iguazu - Montevideo

??.09.- ??.10.2001
Hempelmann, Louis-Dieter (German) and a small group
Louis-Dieter and some friends rode with several scooters 7.500 km in 4 weeks.
Route: Germany - Austria - Italy - Greek - Turkey - Nort - Greek - Germany.
Highlights: No accident. Little reparations.
The worst: 7 tires to change.
Plans: in 2003 Louis-Dieter plans a tour with scooters to east Europa to Wolwograd and Krim

30.04.2003 - 06.06.2003
Raffelt Bernd (Geb. 21.06.1950)
+ Around Australia.
Bernd circled Australia solo with a Simson KR 80 classic scooter 70 ccm. in 27 days plus 6 days rest he made 13.332 kms. He had a lot of sponsors.
Book : Bernd writes another book. He still writes by hand and refuses to write on a computer.
Ca. 12.07.03 Bernd called me.
18.07.2003, 22 o?clock TV-show in MDR.

11.06.2006 - 07.07.2006
Karlsson, Emanuel ( Sweden , born 14.09.1979)
+ Around Europe . In less than a month Emanuel rode solo 4000 km (??? Out of my view it must be much more km !!) with a scooter Piaggio NRG MC3 50cc Scooter through 12 countries.
Purpose of travel: To see how far you can get on a scooter
Route: Sweden - Germany - Czech Republic - Austria - Slovenia - Croatia - Italy - France - Italy - Switzerland - Austria – Germany - ??
The best: Great wheater, slow and quiet, great scenery. Taking only the small roads through every country really makes you experience it.
The worst: Beeing passed by all faster vehicles which made me really scaring. Info: A scooter is not made to go this far. The exaust-system broke after 12 hours. The engine broke down after only 16 hours, and then again after three weeks. Don't go this far with a scooter, you might get yourself killed. Website: http://www.mobilblogg.nu/emanuel
10.07.2006 1 st info and summary by Emanuel.
12.07.2006 1 st request for update
Please answer the ??? The picture is scenery, but I would prefer the one with YOU AND the scooter. BUT: I like that you dared and finally made a first big tour in Europe . I have the ?feeling? that you will make another one in the future with a biggermotorcycle- True ??

15 March 2008 – 22 June 2008
Andela, Sibble "Sib" (South African Male born 1940)
South Africa (Cape Agulhas) – (Norway) Nordkap. VESPA 250 GTS ie automatic. This was my first MC ever, I bought it in Oct 2007 and got my licence in Feb 2008.
Purpose of the tour: I set out to do the trip in 100 days and to arrive in Nordkapp and my 40 th Wedding day as tribute to my late wife. My son and daughter joined me on that day and we drank a champagne toast to her and celebratory toast to the completion.
Route : South Africa - Namibia - Zambia - Malawi - Tanzania - Kenya - Ethiopia - Sudan - Egypt (I wanted to go via Jordan , Syria , Turkey , Bulgaria , Romania , Slovakia but Jordan refused to let my scooter in). So Israel - Italia - Switzerland - Germany - Czech Republic -  Poland - Lithuania - Latvia - Estonia - Russia - Finland and Norway.
Return Route : Norway - Sweden - Denmark - Germany - Nederland - Belgie - France and England , the fly home to South Africa.
Highlights : Friendliness and hospitality of people on both continents. No unpleasantness at any stage at all from any person. Not a single moment of trouble with the VESPA.
Low Point: Physical tiredness in the desert of Susan.
Sorry I do not have a website but any person may contact me via berndtesch@gmail.com. My journal with photos is about 256MB in size.
I was lucky to meet Lodie de Jager, who also appears on Bernd's web, in Wadi Halfa, Sudan. We travelled together all the way to Bodenzee Germany before parting. Another chance meeting was the Rolls Royce team of Mike and Jeanette van Ginkel who travelled from Cape Town to London with their Silver Spirit. Hope to meet you. I am planning a VESPA trip Lisbon to Magadan for next year.
15.11.2008 First contact and very good summary with fotos.